COVID-19 safety precautions during Superbike-Coach classes
COVID-19 safety precautions at Superbike-Coach:

COVID-19 safety precautions at superbikecoach
We are introducing COVID-19 safety precautions at all Superbike-Coach classes for three main reasons:
1. Safety First
2. To share with you how we strive to take care of our students beyond the current guidelines
3. To be prepared — and to help you prepare— for the best classes.
We’d like to be a role model and we expect every participant to come with that same goal.
Here are the official guidelines by Gov. Newsom: “We think the most impactful thing we can do, short of going back to a stay-at-home order, is wearing face coverings and when we can’t, practicing physical distancing”.
The good news is- we CAN practice social distancing since we operate all SBC classes while riding separated on a track. And our classroom is outdoors under a huge shed which allows us to spread out our small headcount of only about 30 people. All we need is some discipline from the group to follow these guidelines:
– At all times, it is the responsibility of every participant to either approach others covering their face and nose by wearing a mask/ bandana/ helmet- OR to stay away a distance of at least 6 feet.
– You must stay home if you feel sick- have temperature- or any other known Covid-19 symptoms.
– Wear rubber or comparable gloves. This is not required by state but it’s a smart way to protect yourself. If you don’t wear gloves, we recommend you wash or sanitize your hands after every classroom session.
– Bring your own pen which is needed during registration and in the classroom.
– If you have the opportunity to bring your own portable chair or stool- please do so. This will help keep you comfortable and spread everyone out during classroom time.
– If you sit at one of our tables- use sanitizer to clean your area. Don’t move around- stay in the same seats throughout the day.
– We always bring water in individual bottles. Mark/name your bottle after cleaning it with sanitizer.
– If you order lunch delivery- we recommend you clean the boxes with sanitizer.
– We encourage every individual to point out any issue in regard Covid-19 protection and prevention when it arises, so that we can react immediately to fix it.
We do our part to protect you and ourselves as much as possible in an effort to make our classes as safe a place as any to learn.
– We disinfect our seating areas and tables, but you can use sanitizer as much as you need to keep your area clean.
– We’ll take the temperatures of every participants (and ourselves) upon arrival.
Here is the California announcement on wearing face coverings from the site
Face coverings required in public spaces
Cloth face coverings or masks help reduce the spread of coronavirus especially when combined with physical distancing and frequent hand washing. Starting June 18, Californians must wear face coverings in common and public indoor spaces and outdoors when distancing is not possible. Learn more about the guidance and limited exceptions here.
Thank you for working together with us to keep everyone safe! I look forward to an excellent day with you learning riding skills!
Superbike-Coach Corp
I will be arriving masked up ready to learn.