I use to call in the Superbike-Coach team about 2 to 3 times per year. This is an important thing in many ways. With all the work everyone has and our tight class schedule- where it’s all about others- this is for US to have fun. Not that we need that one, but yea, a team binding measure if you will. Today I invited Marion, Chris, Dean, Wayne, Mark and Rafael for 3 races at K1 indoor karting to show them my appreciation.


Headcoach Can Akkaya, Superbike-Coach Corp

Superbike-Coach operates since 2009 in the United States. We started out offering the Road Skill program as a class until I’ve developed programs specifically for small tracks. I think it was in 2010, when we started the very first Wheelie Course at Little 99 Raceway in Stockton California and added the Knee Down class in 2011. I was mostly busy with small groups and especially 1on1’s on big track with the Track Drill program. The most popular program was yet to come in the end of 2013- the Cornering School from Day 1 to Day 3.

This program was quickly darn popular. It is colorful, energetic, passionate, and filled with people of all ages, genders, levels and characters that I urged to conserve the vibe in pictures. Well that’s why, and to give my people something additional. Something others don’t… free sport photography.

Technically it ain’t hard to hire a photographer, so I made my way through some. I mean, sometimes I had a different photographer from class to class, but nothing beyond ‘clicking the cam’. Don’t get me wrong- they were all good, and some are still friends. However, something was missing with them. What I needed was someone who sees what I see. Someone who wants to be part of the revolution which Superbike-Coach represents. Someone who cares what happens. Someone who is loyal and shares the passion.

superbikecoach cornering school

That moment of passion, respect and eager

He was shy and scared talking to more than one person at a time, but he grew into it. His picture quality weren’t the best back then, but that’s not always priority. All I knew from that particular class with Dean is, that he will learn and develop just because of the way we do the classes and through time, so I hired him.

I think it was in 2014 when Dean Lonskey and his friend signed up for the Wheelie Course and when he heard that my photographer had let us down by not showing up. He quickly walked up to me and told me how much he loves the class and that he actually does hobby photography. I liked his energetic nature right away and asked him for a try-out.

That Cornering class with him and Marion on my side was a delight through and through. Was it ‘perfect’?… no, how could it?! But there was the spark I was missing. An ex-Moto Cross racer who hears my racer heart beating. That is enough to cover what’s not perfect yet.

In all those years we shared ups and downs and we have a healthy way to deal with opinions and differences- I wish to see happening for this country btw.  Today, Dean Lonskey is a Superbike-Coach to the bone. Meanwhile, hundred-thousands of pictures have become more than a keep of moment in time- they are a proof of progress to our students… all for free!

All this goes way beyond clicking the cam.

Headcoach Can Akkaya, Superbike-Coach Corp

Dean offers photography in many ways. Go see him if you have a need for it:

 Dean Lonskey Photography

This entire Superbike-Coach thang is so deep in my soul that it keeps me not just physically real busy- but also mentally. I always reflect on the performance of the entire team after every single class- especially on my part. Things like… what I said, what I did, what I demonstrated. Those things make me overthink on how can I describe things better to make them more plausible, on how my people learn best. Also things like how to make them trying more, trusting more, and to reach the individual. To gain more human understanding pretty much. Sometimes those reflections turning to visions… literally.

Most of the time this happens when I have a 1on1 the following day after a class. I see and hear ‘ghosts’. I remember every word has been said. I remember what everyone of the SBC team did. I remember most of my students names and faces, and what they look like when riding. I remember and analyze their body language- on and off the bike. Their responses, questions and gestures. Somehow, I’m able to make sense out of all this.

Dean Lonskey at Superbikecoach My 1on1 student is warming up on the track we mostly using, the Little 99 Raceway in Stockton. I walk around to check on him/her and some little things seem to trigger those visions. Black front tire marks on turn 7, where I had the class practicing emergency braking out of full lean angles. Voices- faces- disbelieves- fears I felt in the classroom when I started describing the procedure and when I walked with a smile to my bike to dress for a demonstration. I hear Dean saying “wait for their surprised faces” while he prepares his camera with an amused smile. He is with me almost ever since, and I can’t even imagine to have someone else in his place. He knows that I ‘tick’ like this and helps me when I’m too critical with myself.

superbike coach corneringschool General Pics We all love surprising our students with subjects they never heard of- with things they think is physically impossible to do. That requires a lot from me. To lead them- discipline- motivate them and to keep them calm all at the same time. This is when Marion helps me pointing out students who need extra attention because they might be confused about it or being overly scared. She noticed I’m loosing up my arm after the demo and reaches a water and checks on me “are you ok?!”.  Her eager to keep the tight class schedule on track is a fight against windmills, cuz’ I go till everyone has it down.

Students are on now group by group to make their first attempts. They struggle- they fail and this is when Wayne stops them to tell them exactly what I need them to do. There is a virtual Superbike-Coach tattoo burned deep in his soul! He gives it all he’s got- no questions asked. Walking back to the classroom, and Wayne reports what he noticed and felt about it, because also he knows that I need this to see if we can make things better.

superbike coach wheelieschool General PicsMy 1on1 student comes off the track to get his first mission for his next track session. I walk behind and hear laughter’s, excitement and joy of yesterday’s class. Some ask questions- someone just says “wow… didn’t know this is even possible”, and Chris responds with an exited smile “oh, there is a lot more of this coming!”. Then he moves on to fix someones bike- no questions asked. Chris says “I got this”, and I deeply believe  him there.

There is just that one guy we seem not to reach, Mark reports. He says I gave him extra time and attention but he seem not to be happy. We can’t make everyone happy. That’s the nature of things- he knows. Mark is sweating through and through. He successfully fixed the wheelie machine and walks over to our mini bike to fix that one right after. I know he will.

I gave my 1on1 student some missions on the track and walk into the shed where we run the classroom sessions, and I see and hear all those ghosts and voices of the previous class, where the power and the passion is still present. Ones, I found myself stop walking and to just listen and it runs like a video in front of my eyes all again. I was smiling and took a deep breath, realizing how much I love this team and what we do. Knowing that I’ve reached most of these riders, fulfills me.

I know I’ve arrived. This is where my professional racing career meant to and up, and I feel blessed to have found this group of people on this side of the planet.

Headcoach Can Akkaya, Superbike-Coach Corp

Coach's Motorcycle Tips

Superbike-Coach Can Akkaya in podcast interview with Greg Drevenstedt of the the Rider Magazine


We congratulate to all students who made it all the way through our cornering school program. Three days of challenges, passion, love and respect- a hard to find package.

Dean Lonskey also edited a nice video of the class.

Headcoach Can Akkaya, Superbike-Coach Corp

We ran our annual ‘Suspension Workshop & Track Time’ class last Sunday and it was phenomenal.

We had a blast with our students. Despite the heat, everyone put so much eager and effort into it. Special thanks to my team: Marion, Dean, Mark, Chris and Wayne. Love you guys!

The next one will be in 2023, so check our calendar.

Headcoach Can Akkaya, Superbike-Coach Corp

coach akkaya ducati

Our Student Ride Out on 9/3/2022 will be rescheduled. The roster will be informed.

Headcoach Can Akkaya, Superbike-coach Corp