Welcome to ‘Coach’s Corner’

These are all pages by Headcoach Can Akkaya to help out the riding community.

Superbike-Coach blog articlesCoach Blog:

Coach Can’s articles all around motorcycles. Tips, ideas, stories, and in depth going articles. Also videos and class pictures are going to be covered here. A great place to receive insights from a professional.


Ask a professional for adviceAsk the Coach:

Ask one motorcycle riding related question, and get the answer from a experienced professional rider. Punch in your question as a comment below and Coach will answer as good as he can.

[ask coach]

Superbike-Coach motorcycle rider supportCoach’s Motorcycle Bible:

Finally we have started to fill this page with interesting tips and help from us- Superbike-Coach, to you. We just want you to enjoy your hobby even more. We will come up with a bunch of tricks and do’s ‘n’ don’t s, which we are making sense.


Superbike-Coach glossary of the sportGlossary of our sport:

Our sport has its own unique language, and some specific phrases belonging to the world of racing and street riding. Superbike-Coach guides you through some of these words and phrases, and if you have something we’ve missed- let us know.


Superbike-Coach motorcycle suspension guideMotorcycle Suspension Guide:

The suspension setting process provided here is a “Basic” methodical guide to providing a way to update you current suspension to the style of riding to best suit your needs.  When suspension works correctly the bike will be much more enjoyable to ride.

[suspension guide]