I appreciated Coach’s practical take on body positioning – make it simple, clean, fast and practice it to make it work for you
Coach Can has a fun (because riding motorcycles is FUN!), tell-it-like-it-is personality that I find quite refreshing.
Had a great day, plenty of track time. Can is a great instructor, and im looking forward to the day 2 class. Thanks to Can and his crew for a great day of learning.
…for a little over a hundred bucks Coach Can spends an entire day out there working his butt off to make you better. I feel like he really cares that you are happy.
Very interesting, very beneficial, very exciting, very educational and a whole of spirited motorcyle track time fun!
Coach Can is a truly an inspirational coach and ride. The emphasis is on incorporating the techniques into our everyday riding for these Corning Classes. I have completed Corning School Day 1, Day 2, and Day 3. The Stockton “Little 99” is the perfect track to learn the corning skills needed since the track is small and the turns are close together.