It seems like lots of people think experience is the only teacher they need. Those people are dead wrong. The way I see it, you can’t afford not to! Don’t be a douche, take Can’s courses. Trust me, you’ll see what I mean.
He’s got great cred so listen up and just do what he says. Have faith. You *will* learn something. Guaranteed.
In the afternoon Coach rides the track with you showing the correct lines, approach and exit from corners.
Coach is a remarkable teacher, very impressive with his lifetime knowledge and feel of all of his life experiences riding and racing shared with his students in a 1 day, fun day event.
I don’t have a ‘superbike’ but 1 on 1 class was excellent. This was a full afternoon private motorcycle lesson from a pro.
Based on my observation, Coach Can coach all levels of riders well. Beginning to advanced, timid to fearless.