
I wished I could put in words how it feels like to master a wheelie or to drag the knee. While a wheelie feels like flying- a dragging knee get’s you in contact with ‘the enemy’. Short and simple pure AWESOMENESS :-)

Now what kind of riders are attending these Superbike-Coach classes?!… the ‘you and me’ rider to be straight up. Riders who want to get into it in the most save possible way and legal. Riders who are most reliable actually, from lawyers to nurses, office workers and whatnot. We welcome riders from all over the planet to these classes because they know we deliver in this order:

  1. Safety
  2. Fun
  3. Success

So two weeks ago, we initialed another knee down class and a wheelie course next day. We combine these so that riders can extend their experience and learning with us and to give their long travels more value. Our rentals are ready for the task.

Twenty riders made it out for the knee class. Most of them are trying for years to finally get it done. Videos, other schools and lots and lots of track days. 169 bux and 7 hours is what it takes for me to make 15 of them dragging now. Our highest rating was 18 of a 21 ones. That’s a rating you need to think about for a second, and then you might know why all classes Superbike-Coach has to offer are booking up since the last 7 years!!! Remarkable at this point is, that those riders who are successful were mostly students in our cornering school program. Our knee students run through 3 stations- the big oval to use their bikes and rentals. The break area to rest (needed!), and our mini bike on a small oval. Every time our mini bike gets a hell of a beat, and guess what… no questions asked. I mean… try to find this somewhere else where you are allowed to damage! When you feel all this and add the darn good reviews we’re getting- then do you even wonder why the next Knee Down class on 10/26/2019 is booked up more than 3 months upfront?!

However, it would be naive to think that everyone must/should be successful. That wouldn’t be fair to expect from us and the students. this goes mainly towards the wheelie class because the success ratio there is about 60%. Most of the riders who couldn’t get it done are coming back, which says a lot about this program too doesn’t it?! So our wheelie students are running through a 4 stations circle- the long straight to use their bikes or rentals. The break area to rest (very much needed), our mini bike for coordination, and our own wheelie machine which makes you fee balance point and throttle control.

This machine allows us to instruct right next to you, which is why I’ve build it in the first place. Another aspect for me was, that those wheelie machines to buy are not realistic enough. They are not up to my measures and don’t deliver the feel nor options to learn the actual control of air-time. The plan and build time took about 6 month. Testing and developing another month, and now this piece of SBC equipment is permanently part since the last 3 classes. Established stuff, and you can use it! No question… also the next Wheelie Course on 10/27/2019 is going to book up.

You ask yourself if you should do it- and I go- WHY NOT?! :-)

SBC photographer’s (Dean Lonskey) pic gallery of the entire class.

Headcoach Can Akkaya, Superbike-Coach Corp

It was another, highly dynamic Knee Down class last Saturday!

We’ve worked our butts off to make our students dreams finally come true. We didn’t achieve the same success rate of 18/21 this time, but 16/21 ain’t bad at all since there were even some riders who are actually haven’t been for long on bikes before.

We’re not just aiming for that particular goal only. Superbike-Coach knee down classes are a darn challenge, because we also go for entry, mid and exit corner speed and fix body positioning issues ON THE RUN. Means- even those 5 who ain’t got the damn knee down are going home with a whole lotta sack of knowledge and training.

I so loved everyone’s eager. Nobody gave up on themselves and I can’t be more proud for my crew Marion, Ben and Dean Lonskey, who took this fun shot of us which illustrates what kind of caliber our classes are… fun and efficient.

Around 2000 pictures are ready for FREE download for our students by mid of this week. Can’t wait to see them :-)

Headcoach Can Akkaya, Superbike-Coach Corp

How does a success rate of 85% sound like?…

We’ve got riders coming in from all over the U.S., Canada and Hong Kong, and we had them all on their knees! Nobody got hurt, even though we had a couple of crashes on the record with our mini bike which has been included in this program. Paying for a damage to it?… no, not at Superbike-Coach but pure fun, thrill and action instead.

Everyone went back home with a big smile on the face, and that is what drives me. Thanks to my team for being so passionate and loyal.

Superbike-Coach photographer Dean Lonskey made amazing shots of our students and he has an eye to showcase the atmosphere of this class, doesn’t he? He could pick some featured pictures to shorten the waiting time until he’s got thousands of pics ready for FREE download.

Not just that is only with Superbike-Coach… this here too… riders who couldn’t get it done somewhere else, but with Superbike-Coach !!!


We did it again… our Knee down & Wheelie course weekend is booked up, and the waiting lists for 4/28/ and 4/30/ are growing. Our students are coming from all over the United States and sometimes even from overseas.

The success rate on the Knee Down class… 80%, and the fun factor… 100%. Doing track days and waiting for “it” to happen?! Really?! You don’t seriously believe this yourselves, do ya? Other schools are not even looking at you for $149 bux.

Superbike Coach means ‘hands-on’, straight forward, and a bad ass wheelie course. We run this program since 8 years now, and we are still coming up with surprises. Also this time we will melt faces, because we’re adding good stuff and still don’t change the admission fee for it.

We will deliver a event and coaching style which will be top-notch. A report will follow.

So… how about you come and find out how we’re doing and save spots to your name for the classes in October?! Here is the link to it:

Knee Down

Wheelie Course

Headcoach Can Akkaya

Our Knee Down Class and Wheelie Course on 4/29/ and 4/30/ are booked out again. If you are asking yourself ‘why’… then I suggest to just sign up for the very next scheduled one and find out yourself.


We finally got a movie done about our Knee Down program. Hope you like it and subscribe our YouTube channel too:

You’ve been warned, so don’t you dare asking me to squeeze you in ‘somehow’ :-)
So now to the riders who are still don’t know if Superbike-Coach is good for them or not… you keep thinking that your next track day will fix you up. You’re wrong sunshine! I am having a 85% success rate… just like with this guy here, who never tried to drag the knee before… now he does (and he was quite surprised as you can see :)
So get your stuff together and sign up early for my knee down class in 2017
Headcoach Can Akkaya