
Our last track day was in 2018, so finally here we go again :-)

Our track days are track newbie orientated and very popular. For only $165 you’ll get:
Coach Can Akkaya will be on the track with our riders at Thunderhill – A weekend track day
– 7×20 minute sessions for each group B+, B and C
– All turns the west track has to offer
– Fully equipped track staff, towing vehicle, ambulance
– Control riders
– C group orientation
– A/C clubhouse
– Less bike preparation
– Lower gear requirements
– Free ‘Ideal Line West Seminar’ by Headcoach Can Akkaya
– Free Sport Photography by Dean Lonskey

…and guess what… we’re making it different. If you are looking for a ‘beginner oriented’ track day event, or if you have a touring bike and nobody else lets you on the track, or if you have a race bike, Superbike-Coach track days have something for everyone.
Suitable grouping for safe track riding
– First time on the track- or touring/cruiser bikes (group C)
– Intermediate riders- or street and sport bikes (group B)
– Advanced riders- or sport and track bikes (group B+)
We are always booking out, so sign up ASAP.
Headcoach Can Akkaya, Superbike-Coach Corp

I wished I could put better into words what my team and I’ve seen at the Superbike-Coach Track Day at Thunderhill Raceway last Saturday (9/8/2018). We’ve seen riders who were riding with tons of respect for each other- holding back with a smile. For me, that goes before ‘lap times’, because attributes like respect, honor, loyalty and truth are getting quickly lost in competitive environments (and these days btw)! I ensure you… that’s not us and we leave this to others!

Can we do better?! For sure, because NOTHING in life is perfect, so we’ll keep working even harder to deliver what’s right.

I think that the pictures my photographers Michelle Tilley and Dean Lonskey have featured are telling the story. Over 4000 pictures are done soon… as usual absolutely FREE OF CHARGE. Till then… enjoy about 80 featured pictures upfront

Headcoach Can Akkaya, Superbike-Coach Corp

Here it comes again- the Superbike-Coach Track Day at Thunderhill West Raceway. In one month from now, on 9/8/2018, we are starting our 6th track day at this amazing track.

Our track days are track beginner and safety orientated, and 90% of the riders have done programs with Superbike-Coach. You’ll find a way higher respect level for each other as anywhere else. The family like environment is special, and I put heart and soul into it. I leave at that point away what other organizers do, and leave that to you to find out. But this is what WE do, and not do:

  • No fast-guy preferred ‘we make fun about your chicken strips’ event. Every rider on every bike is welcome.
  • We don’t require and bike preparation.
  • We don’t require racing gear just to have some fun with us. Street riding gear is fair enough.
  • We’re not saving on rental fee and corner workers by skipping on best parts of the West track. No- we’re using all 10 turns for maximum fun.
  • That also makes a lower headcount/track length ratio with SBC.
  • Eight corner Marshall’s seeing more than four.
  • Our ‘black sheep’ penalty system keeps BS portions low.
  • We have experienced control riders who are there for the riders, not to race each other.
  • Top notch medical and safety staff.
  • We tow your bike back into the paddock if necessary.
  • We have Dean Lonskey photographer giving his work for FREE to all riders. What’s that… a 50-100 bux saving?!
  • And I am, a ex-Pro racer and professional coach, giving a FREE ‘ideal line west seminar’ and ride with you whenever possible.

What I personally like the most with our track days are the people which are coming together, from my team, track staff and of course the riders. So if you are worried doing a track day because of all the things you’ve heard… then here is the solution. Join our non-competitive and less-hassle track day on September 8th 2018 at Thunderhill Raceway with Superbike-Coach.

Read this article to see how to prepare for a track day and to know what to expect: HOW TO PREPARE FOR A SBC TRACK DAY

Headcoach Can Akkaya, Superbike-Coach Corp

Imagine, there was a class where you could ride all day on a race track for only 49 bucks. No hassle, no distractions, no drama. And now picture all of this would be perfectly organized in level groups on a track which wouldn’t be too far away from you. How cool would that be?! Let’s take it further… imagine that you could add a workshop to it and to get your bike dialed in at the same time by a professional- or even better- you would also get the knowledge, tools, and a helping hand to learn how to do that stuff on your own. That would be killer right!?

I’ve seen riders struggling with their bikes- or in bad cases- they even get hurt just because of lack of reach-ability. How’s this possible?!… well, you can go install a light switch too high for someone to reach, and see how long it might take to turn the damn light on. And yeah, the subjects seem complex and the fear of wrenching the bike is big. This is why we’re there to check on your baby in regard suspension, lever adjustments, tires, throttle free play, and lots of other stuff. Together with you, we’ll make significant changes for the better. Let me tell you some stories and literally terrible things we’ve discovered in the previous… …classes. There was a female rider in our workshop, and her throttle didn’t return at all. Her answer–“I’m used to it”– is not helping, but we’ve fixed it for her. Another rider installed an aftermarket front brake lever and didn’t even notice that the damn thing hit the starter button housing, which restricted the full potential of the brake down to 30%! Another rider just got a racing rear shock installed for about $2 grands incl labor, The damn shock didn’t work at all and was as stiff as a stick. The rider thought it was all in the setting, but it wasn’t. I bet if he would have lost traction and to crash, he wouldn’t even know that the shock/shop was responsible for a possible injury.

Quite frightening huh?! But that’s not all by far… missing bolt in the master braking cylinder, cracked handle bars, loose steering stems, leaking seals; and top on the list… a fully destroyed rear sprocket where the f’d up chain just skipped all those rounded teethes. Oh yea, and the rider actually assumed it was a broken gearbox!

On the suspension side in previous workshops, we helped riders to find their bikes more agile and holding the line better. Some report to literally have a new bike feel. Bottoming out, lack of grip and overly worn out tires they complain about; even after they have had ‘specialists’ working on their bikes. Why?!… because with them, you can’t go out on a track and learn to report- learn to ‘what to focus on’ while going through specific sectors- then to come back and to directly work on issues. With the Superbike-Coach ‘Workshop & Track Time‘ class… you can do all of that and have a fat grin on the face at the same time!

Now… you wanna blame me for pointing things out in all honesty, or the shop which makes a front brake work on 30% only?! Your choice.

Our next Workshop is coming up on 7/15/2018, and you can sign up here for it.

Headcoach Can Akkaya, Sacramento 7/4/2018

…has been done, and ones more it was totally booked up!

120 riders, mainly our students from all kinds of programs joined us at the wonderful Thunderhill West Raceway in California. The weather was perfect, because this time it wasn’t too hot. it helps, but it doesn’t make our job any easier, because we literally care about every single rider and to make it as safe and fun for them as possible. Yep, I know that this is a phrase everyone use to say, so I want to make this a little more detailed to give you an idea.

June 10th 2018. I got a hotel room for my team up in Willows while I had about 2 1/2 hours of sleep the night before to make the final preparations. My wife Marion and I drove up in the early morning to join the team at the gate at 6.30am, and luckily we could get right in to set everything up. Within 15 minutes we have an operational registration in the Clubhouse- the tech inspection area- the photographer station- and the grids in the pit lane, loaded with tents and ice chests for our Control Riders Ben, Michael, Brian, Steve, and Connor. Then quickly unloading all bikes, and off we go.

Marion and Michael in there elements, running 120 people through paperwork to ensure that everyone has time enough for Tech. Jeremy, Steve, Brian and Ben checked the rider bikes while Superbike-Coach photographer Dean and I went out on the track to inspect the track and run off areas, where we found a small problem which had to be fixed. After a short briefing with the track admin and track Marshall’s I could have at least 10 minutes of face time with the people in the paddock.

8.15am, the mandatory riders meeting begins, while Marion finishes up late comers. I go over essentials the ‘Coach way’, and I always realize the discrepancy individuals experiencing when they dealing with me the very first time. On one side the riders who have been students before- and the riders who are new to Superbike-Coach on the other. While most of them know what kind of train is rumbling through the Clubhouse- some are quite surprised by it. That’s because they get to see only a fraction of the big picture. That’s hard to understand within half an hour, so I am always hoping that the new riders to us look around and to see/feel why we’re having hundreds and hundreds of loyal students which we use to call ‘family’. So at that point, the efficiency of my coaching style is priority, and I don’t bent that just to make a better impression. You get it in course of the day- or you don’t! So maybe this here helps a little…

While B+ was out for their first stint, I gave C group instruction for their sightseeing lap and to answer more questions. At this point a detailed ideal line seminar would not make any sense. We have this going right after lunch, which is why the break is scheduled relatively early.

From there it use to be quite messy, until riders are dialing into better rhythms and getting sorted into more appropriate groups matching their levels. That’s a pretty natural and common thing and comes when riders pick a group based on where their friends are. So from there, Marion was working her butt off to exchange riders within the groups- based on their input and also quite often triggered by my control riders. That is going on for hours and Marion’s organization skill kicks in real good.

Meanwhile, the boys following up on passing violations. At that point, the penalty-system we’ve developed could help a lot, which was clearly see and feel-able from the afternoon sessions on. In total 6 for apexing 2, 3 for passing under yellow, 1 for cheating into other group, 3 for passing close, and 1 got suspended from our event. Can they see everything?… how should that go?! I mean, even we would double CR’s- there is still stuff they can’t see.

Can we do better?… oh yes, and we will. There are already changes in the making. Things which keep setting Superbike-Coach track days apart from others. Just like SBC photographer Dean, who took about 4700 pictures which are coming with our 150 bux track day ticket, so for free. 

Six crashes is not what I like, but it’s the nature of doing these things. The positive side is that no one got hurt or crashed because of someone else. My boys checked their bikes while Marion had the riders send to our Ambulance/Doctor for a checkup. Only one red flag was shown for about 10 seconds and got lifted- so not a single time out for our riders, because we were on this in light speed.

Thanks to the entire team to help pulling an event off like this. I love this team for their skills and especially their dead serious dedication and loyalty to Superbike-Coach. Also thanks to our riders for being cooperative, understanding, and patient participants. Hope to see you again on 9/8/2018 for another Superbike-Coach track day at Thunderhill Raceway!

Headcoach Can Akkaya, Superbike-Coach Corp

I can’t believe how quickly time went by. We just finished an amazing Knee Down class and Wheelie Course (end of April), and now we’re preparing for our track day at Thunderhill West Raceway on 6/10/2018. It seems we’re booking up again, because only 38 spots are left.

So in a little less than a month, Superbike-Coach will run another track day, the way it should be…. available for every rider and bike category- hassle free and without ‘instructors’ who just race each other by ignoring their own rules. In fact- about 80% of our track day attendees were my students before in all kind of SBC programs, which means that there is a solid level of respect for each other and for what we do. Of course, nothing is perfect, and so also we try to keep improving.

However, I want to point out that a Superbike-Coach track day is different in the detail as well, and that begins with our level group selection. Since we do track beginner orientated track days which are more fun and safety focused than to be fast- we run three groups in 7×20 minutes sessions. Dividing riders in C group (probably the slowest, most inexperienced)- B group (intermediate riders with low track experience)- and B+ (up to slight more experienced riders). Take to note that our B+ group is pretty much a extension of the B group. So no A group, but we do welcome some A riders and racers in B+ all the time, and those are the ones we know that they can ‘hold back’ and track with respect. Low key is cool, because ya’ll have a Monday to do.

Often riders ask if a class is mandatory to even attend our track days. The answer here is no, everyone- and on everything can join. We offer “I always wanted to do this ones, but without the drama” track days. That means you don’t have to have a racing suit- you don’t have to prep the crap out of your bike- and you don’t need to be worried about the ‘chicken strips‘ you might have. We try to bring riders, despite the category or level, to the sport in the most hassle free and possible safest way.

The more the better, but street riding protection is fine if it is for you. In the end, you go the same- or even higher risks using regular riding protection for street riding. In regard bike preparation we only ask to tape the brake light and to remove mirrors (or to tape them).To get started, you might want to read my article ‘How to prepare for a track day‘. There are rules, flags, do’s and don’t’s, and a bunch of tips and suggestions around your entire track journey, so good stuff actually. If that leaves questions open… you might post a comment on the Coach blog to get the answer.

Now here is the deal… Superbike-Coach track days are always booking out, and that’s beyond the fact that we are not leaving turns out- that we include free sport photography- a Ideal-Line-West-Seminar- and a C group orientation in the morning… all for only $150. So if you want to get in… now is the time, because only 38 spots are left!

Headcoach Can Akkaya, Sacramento 05/16/2018

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